God’s Name


I know that you are so busy and traveling a lot, but I would like to know your comments on the attached booklet when you have time to go over it. I have always wondered about the Name of God and how we can use the same name, i.e. God, Lord, as other religions–Muslims, Indians, Buddhists, etc.– and the same name will mean different gods.

The attached booklet was written by a friend of ours who sent it to us recently for our evaluation and consideration. I am concerned that I do what is right and address my Lord and Savior, as He wants me to, but I truly don’t know what is Truth.

Would you mind reading this booklet, dissect it, and let me know your comments on it? I appreciate your ability to study so thoroughly and search out the answers, so I would really appreciate your response on this article. Thank you so much, N&JD.


Dear N&JD,

I will not have time to deal with this in the near future. I will forward it to P.R. who may have some available materials on the subject. I have been through this subject more than once. There is a very good article by Ralph Larson that basically points out that the very premise of this teaching denies its validity, in the sense that the ancient Hebrew scribes that wrote the Old Testament would refuse to spell out the name Jehovah do to great reverence for God’s name.

The fact is that the name has never been spelled out; so to develop a doctrine about the correct name, when the correct name has never been identified is to develop a doctrine on the best guess of what God’s true name is.

The second problem with this teaching is that those who propose it take the passages from Ellen White that deal with an increased understanding of God’s name in end time Bible prophecy and teach that the increased understanding has to do with acknowledging their understanding of what God’s true name is. This is not the emphasis in the Spirit of Prophecy. Those passages are dealing with the truths connected with God’s character as symbolized by His name being written in our hearts and minds. The teaching is a direct attack against one of the most important points of end time prophecy.

Their emphasis on the so-called correct name, also calls into question the inspiration of God’s end time prophetess, for she freely used the name “Jesus” and other titles of the godhead, which they teach, are denials of truth. The one prophet that came after the Biblical record did not understand their so-called endtime revelation.

A fourth point which is circumstantial at best, but very accurate, is that when you come across those who emphasize God’s name, they are also generally teaching the literal keeping of the feast days, with an emphasis on the “jubilee”; they also are usually re-applying the time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation that have already been fulfilled; and occasionally they are also Anti-Trinitarian in their understanding of the godhead.

I am sorry that I cannot take the time to evaluate this booklet, but right now I am buried. Perhaps P. can help. Jeff.

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