The Nature of Man

NOTES Zimbabwe camp-meeting “To the Very Letter – 2017”
Parminder Biant

No work ever undertaken by man requires greater care and skill than the proper training and education of youth and children. There are no influences so potent as those which surround us in our early years. Says the wise man, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” The nature of man is three-fold, and the training enjoined by Solomon comprehends the right development of the physical, intellectual, and moral powers. To perform this work aright, parents and teachers must themselves understand “the way the child should go.” This embraces more than a knowledge of books or the learning of the schools. It comprehends the practice of temperance, brotherly-kindness, and godliness; the discharge of our duty to ourselves, to our neighbors and to God. RH January 10, 1882, par. 1

The Nature of Man - Parminder

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